Volume 13 (2025)
Volume 12 (2024)
Volume 11 (2023)
Volume 10 (2022)
Volume 9 (2021)
Volume 8 (2020)
Volume 7 (2019)
Volume 6 (2018)
Volume 5 (2017)
Volume 3 (2015)
Volume 2 (2014)
Volume 1 (2013)
Original/Review Paper H.3.8. Natural Language Processing
An improved joint model: POS tagging and dependency parsing

A. Pakzad; B. Minaei Bidgoli

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 1-8


  Dependency parsing is a way of syntactic parsing and a natural language that automatically analyzes the dependency structure of sentences, and the input for each sentence creates a dependency graph. Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging is a prerequisite for dependency parsing. Generally, dependency parsers do ...  Read More

Review Article H.3.2.2. Computer vision
Isolated Persian/Arabic handwriting characters: Derivative projection profile features, implemented on GPUs

M. Askari; M. Asadi; A. Asilian Bidgoli; H. Ebrahimpour

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 9-17


  For many years, researchers have studied high accuracy methods for recognizing the handwriting and achieved many significant improvements. However, an issue that has rarely been studied is the speed of these methods. Considering the computer hardware limitations, it is necessary for these methods to ...  Read More

Original/Review Paper H.6. Pattern Recognition
Holistic Farsi handwritten word recognition using gradient features

Z. Imani; Z. Ahmadyfard; A. Zohrevand

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 19-25


  In this paper we address the issue of recognizing Farsi handwritten words. Two types of gradient features are extracted from a sliding vertical stripe which sweeps across a word image. These are directional and intensity gradient features. The feature vector extracted from each stripe is then coded using ...  Read More

Original/Review Paper B.3. Communication/Networking and Information Technology
A new model for persian multi-part words edition based on statistical machine translation

M. Zahedi; A. Arjomandzadeh

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 27-34


  Multi-part words in English language are hyphenated and hyphen is used to separate different parts. Persian language consists of multi-part words as well. Based on Persian morphology, half-space character is needed to separate parts of multi-part words where in many cases people incorrectly use space ...  Read More

Original/Review Paper F.2.7. Optimization
Applications of two new algorithms of cuckoo optimization (CO) and forest optimization (FO) for solving single row facility layout problem (SRFLP)

M. Maadi; M. Javidnia; M. Ghasemi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 35-48


  Nowadays, due to inherent complexity of real optimization problems, it has always been a challenging issue to develop a solution algorithm to these problems. Single row facility layout problem (SRFLP) is a NP-hard problem of arranging a number of rectangular facilities with varying length on one side ...  Read More

Other E.3. Analysis of Algorithms and Problem Complexity
Predicting air pollution in Tehran: Genetic algorithm and back propagation neural network

M. Asghari; H. Nematzadeh

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 49-54


  Suspended particles have deleterious effects on human health and one of the reasons why Tehran is effected is its geographically location of air pollution. One of the most important ways to reduce air pollution is to predict the concentration of pollutants. This paper proposed a hybrid method to predict ...  Read More

Original/Review Paper H.6. Pattern Recognition
Classification of ECG signals using Hermite functions and MLP neural networks

A. Ebrahimzadeh; M. Ahmadi; M. Safarnejad

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 55-65


  Classification of heart arrhythmia is an important step in developing devices for monitoring the health of individuals. This paper proposes a three module system for classification of electrocardiogram (ECG) beats. These modules are: denoising module, feature extraction module and a classification module. ...  Read More

Original/Review Paper H.3. Artificial Intelligence
PSO for multi-objective problems: Criteria for leader selection and uniformity distribution

H. Motameni

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 67-76


  This paper proposes a method to solve multi-objective problems using improved Particle Swarm Optimization. We propose leader particles which guide other particles inside the problem domain. Two techniques are suggested for selection and deletion of such particles to improve the optimal solutions. The ...  Read More

Original/Review Paper H.5.10. Applications
Noisy images edge detection: Ant colony optimization algorithm

Z. Dorrani; M.S. Mahmoodi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 77-83


  The edges of an image define the image boundary. When the image is noisy, it does not become easy to identify the edges. Therefore, a method requests to be developed that can identify edges clearly in a noisy image. Many methods have been proposed earlier using filters, transforms and wavelets with Ant ...  Read More

Original/Review Paper G.2. Models and Principles
Governor design for hydropower plants by intelligent sliding mode variable structure control

D. Qian; L. Yu

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 85-92


  This work proposes a neural-fuzzy sliding mode control scheme for a hydro-turbine speed governor system. Considering the assumption of elastic water hammer, a nonlinear mode of the hydro-turbine governor system is established. By linearizing this mode, a sliding mode controller is designed. The linearized ...  Read More

Original/Review Paper H.3. Artificial Intelligence
Trajectory tracking of under-actuated nonlinear dynamic robots: Adaptive fuzzy hierarchical terminal sliding-mode control

Y. Vaghei; A. Farshidianfar

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 93-102


  In recent years, underactuated nonlinear dynamic systems trajectory tracking, such as space robots and manipulators with structural flexibility, has become a major field of interest due to the complexity and high computational load of these systems. Hierarchical sliding mode control has been investigated ...  Read More

Original/Review Paper D.1. General
Dynamic characterization and predictability analysis of wind speed and wind power time series in Spain wind farm

N. Bigdeli; H. Sadegh Lafmejani

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 103-116


  The renewable energy resources such as wind power have recently attracted more researchers’ attention. It is mainly due to the aggressive energy consumption, high pollution and cost of fossil fuels. In this era, the future fluctuations of these time series should be predicted to increase the reliability ...  Read More

Original/Review Paper H.3.10. Robotics
Discrete-time repetitive optimal control: Robotic manipulators

M. M. Fateh; M. Baluchzadeh

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2016, Pages 117-124


  This paper proposes a discrete-time repetitive optimal control of electrically driven robotic manipulators using an uncertainty estimator. The proposed control method can be used for performing repetitive motion, which covers many industrial applications of robotic manipulators. This kind of control ...  Read More