Volume 12 (2024)
Volume 11 (2023)
Volume 10 (2022)
Volume 9 (2021)
Volume 8 (2020)
Volume 7 (2019)
Volume 6 (2018)
Volume 5 (2017)
Volume 4 (2016)
Volume 3 (2015)
Volume 2 (2014)
Volume 1 (2013)
H.3. Artificial Intelligence
A Multi-View Model for Knowledge Graph Embedding in Link Prediction using GRU-RNN as Constraint Satisfaction Problem

Afrooz Moradbeiky; Farzin Yaghmaee

Volume 12, Issue 1 , January 2024, , Pages 137-147


  Knowledge graphs are widely used tools in the field of reasoning, where reasoning is facilitated through link prediction within the knowledge graph. However, traditional methods have limitations, such as high complexity or an inability to effectively capture the structural features of the graph. The ...  Read More

An Executive Model to Improve Reasoning and Realization in Ontology using Fuzzy-Colored Petri Nets

M. Shokohi nia; A. Dideban; F. Yaghmaee

Volume 9, Issue 4 , November 2021, , Pages 555-570


  Despite success of ontology in knowledge representation, its reasoning is still challenging. The most important challenge in reasoning of ontology-based methods is improving realization in the reasoning process. The time complexity of the realization problem-solving process is equal to that of NEXP Time. ...  Read More