Document Type : Original/Review Paper


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.


This paper introduces an adaptive optimal distributed algorithm based on event-triggered control to solve multi-agent discrete-time zero-sum graphical games for unknown nonlinear constrained-input systems with external disturbances. Based on the value iteration heuristic dynamic programming, the proposed algorithm solves the event-triggered coupled Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations assuming unknown dynamics to develop distributed optimal controllers and satisfy leader-follower consensus for agents interacting on a communication graph. The algorithm is implemented using the actor-critic neural network, and unknown system dynamics are approximated using the identifier network. Introducing and solving nonlinear zero-sum discrete-time graphical games in the presence of unknown dynamics, control input constraints and external disturbances, differentiate this paper from the previously published works. Also, the control input, external disturbance, and the neural network's weights are updated aperiodic and only at the triggering instants to simplify the computational process. The closed-loop system stability and convergence to the Nash equilibrium are proven. Finally, simulation results are presented to confirm theoretical findings.


Main Subjects

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