Document Type : Original/Review Paper


Computer Engineering Department, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Text sentiment classification in aspect level is one of the hottest research topics in the field of natural language processing. The purpose of the aspect-level sentiment analysis is to determine the polarity of the text according to a particular aspect. Recently, various methods have been developed to determine sentiment polarity of the text at the aspect level, however, these studies have not yet been able to model well complementary effects of the context and aspect in the polarization detection process. Here, we present ACTSC, a method for determining the sentiment polarity of the text based on separate embedding of aspects and context. In the first step, ACTSC deals with separate modelling of the aspects and context to extract new representation vectors. Next, by combining generative representations of aspect and context, it determines the corresponding polarity to each particular aspect using a short-term memory network and a self-attention mechanism. Experimental results in the SemEval2014 dataset in both restaurant and laptop categories show that ACTSC has been able to improve the accuracy of aspect-based sentiment classification compared to the latest proposed methods.


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